Why Us

We could tell you what we think about ourselves, or we could tell you how our clients see us.
As testament to the work we do, almost all our clients come to us by word of mouth. Either from other clients, past or present, or from other lawyers who have worked with us and know we won’t let their referrals down.
Our clients can rest easy in the knowledge that they have a trusted advisor by their side. They know they can rely on us to tell them not just what they want to know, but what they need to know. To work with them to craft a solution that meets their objectives, commercial or personal. To look beyond the problem at hand to achieve a favourable outcome that will serve them in the long run.
With expertise spanning a broad spectrum of civil and criminal dispute resolution aspects, with a focus on complex and document intensive matters, we are well-positioned to see all angles to your problem. Because civil matters can have criminal implications, and vice versa (even if that may not be immediately apparent), we are there to ensure that your interests are preserved in all respects.